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Δευτέρα 17 Νοεμβρίου 2008

Τι είναι το easypay και πώς λειτουργεί;

Το easypay είναι μία εύκολη, ασφαλής και γρήγορη διαδικασία πληρωμής του λογαριασμού σας μέσω internet banking της Τράπεζας Πειραιώς. Η πληρωμή μπορεί να γίνει χωρίς καμία πρόσθετη επιβάρυνση / προμήθεια:

  • με οποιαδήποτε πιστωτική κάρτα (credit card) VISA, MASTERCARD οποιασδήποτε τράπεζας
  • με χρεωστική κάρτα (debit card) VISA ELECTRON, οποιασδήποτε τράπεζας
  • με απευθείας χρέωση του τραπεζικού λογαριασμού Τράπεζας Πειραιώς (εφόσον διατηρείτε λογαριασμό στην Τράπεζα Πειραιώς). Η χρέωση γίνεται απευθείας στο λογαριασμό χωρίς να χρειάζεται πάγια τραπεζική εντολή
  • καλώντας στο 801 802 803 804 ή 210 32 88 000,και ζητώντας να διεκπεραιωθεί η πληρωμή σας μέσω τηλεφωνικού αντιπροσώπου προσδιορίζοντας τα στοιχεία της πληρωμής

Μπορείτε να κάνετε πληρωμή του λογαριασμού σας μέσω του easypay, είτε ΕΙΣΤΕ είτε ΔΕΝ ΕΙΣΤΕ εγγεγραμμένος χρήστης. Πληροφορίες για τις διαφοροποιήσεις σε κάθε περίπτωση στη


  1. Επισκεφτείτε το site της Τράπεζας Πειραιώς
  2. Επιλέξτε «Άμεση πληρωμή» αν δεν είστε εγγεγραμμένος χρήστης ή κάντε log in με τους κωδικούς πρόσβασης αν είστε εγγεγραμμένος
  3. Επιλέγετε «Πληρωμές ανά κατηγορία» > «Εμπορικές Επιχειρήσεις» > «»
  4. Εισάγετε:

    a. Τον τρόπο πληρωμής και τα σχετικά στοιχεία (π.χ αριθμό κάρτας, αριθμό λογαριασμού Τράπεζας Πειραιώς κτλ)

    b. Τα στοιχεία σας (Ονοματεπώνυμο, Τηλέφωνο, Email, Αριθμός Τιμολογίου ή Προσφοράς και ποσό)

  5. Στη συνέχεια, επιβεβαιώνετε τη συναλλαγή όπου έχετε τη δυνατότητα εκτύπωσης / αποθήκευσης των στοιχείων συναλλαγής σας καθώς και αποστολής της συναλλαγής μέσω email

Παρασκευή 14 Νοεμβρίου 2008

Πρώτοι στις προτιμήσεις

Πρώτοι στις προτιμήσεις των επισκεπτών του για τα καταστήματα On-Line - Πληροφορικής.

Τετάρτη 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008

Εύκολη σάρωση, ανάκτηση και αρχειοθέτηση εγγράφων από την BSI

Η εταιρεία BSI ανέπτυξε και διαθέτει το eDoc Capture, μια πλήρη και εύχρηστη εφαρμογή ψηφιοποίησης και αρχειοθέτησης εγγράφων. Το eDoc Capture μπορεί να σαρώσει οποιονδήποτε τύπο εγγράφων [δομημένων ή ημι-δομημένων] όπως φόρμες, ερωτηματολόγια, δελτία, κουπόνια, αλληλογραφία, τιμολόγια επιταγές κ.τ.λ. Στη συνέχεια, μπορεί να γίνει εύκολα εξαγωγή οποιουδήποτε τύπου δεδομένων, συμπεριλαμβανομένων barcodes και χειρόγραφου κειμένου. Με αυτό τον τρόπο, η διαδικασία αρχειοθέτησης εγγράφων απλουστεύεται και η ανάκτηση δεδομένων από τα σαρωμένα έγγραφα γίνεται εύκολα, άμεσα και απλά.

Μάλιστα, τα σαρωμένα έγγραφα μαζί με τα δεδομένα τους μπορούν εύκολα να ενσωματωθούν σε οποιαδήποτε βάση δεδομένων ή σύστημα διαχείρισης εγγράφων. Επιπλέον, το eDocCapture παρέχει εργαλεία βελτίωσης των ψηφιοποιημένων εγγράφων, ώστε αυτά να παρέχουν την καλύτερη δυνατή εικόνα για εξαγωγή στο πρόγραμμα OCR. Διαθέτοντας το πληρέστερο λογισμικό OCR, το eDoc Capture αναγνωρίζει συγκεκριμένα δεδομένα στο έγγραφο, βασισμένο στο σχεδιασμένο από το χρήστη template.

Συνοψίζοντας, το eDocCapture είναι ένα φιλικό στη χρήση και εύκολο στην εγκατάσταση εργαλείο, το οποίο μειώνει τα λειτουργικά κόστη και αυξάνει την αποδοτικότητα, καθοδηγώντας το χρήστη με απλά βήματα στη διαδικασία του document capture: σάρωση, αναγνώριση, εξακρίβωση των αποτελεσμάτων και εξαγωγή.

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες μπορείτε να βρείτε στην εταιρεία BSI και στο τηλέφωνο 210 6511826 ή στο &

Πηγή: BSI

Τα προιόντα της BSI μπορείτε να τα βρείτε στο - Greek Software Eshop

Ετοιμάστε antivirus για τις CPU επειγόντως!

Ο Kris Kaspersky, ο ιθύνων νους πίσω από το Kaspersky antivirus, ανακοίνωσε ότι στα πλαίσια του security event Hack In The BoX στην Kuala Lumpur στη Μαλαισία, θα εκμεταλλευτεί τα bugs ενός επεξεργαστή [αλλιώς γνωστά και ως errata] για να πάρει τον έλεγχο ενός υπολογιστή ο οποίος έχει εγκατεστημένη την Java platform. Η επίθεση υλοποιείται με τη μορφή TCP/IP packets ή κώδικα που εκτελείται μέσω Javascript.

- Ο Kaspersky ανακοίνωσε πως θα επιδείξει πραγματικό κώδικα που λειτουργεί και θα τον εκθέσει ελεύθερα στο κοινό, για να εκβιάσει έτσι τη βιομηχανία των CPU να ασχοληθεί με το ολοένα αυξανόμενο πρόβλημα των errata.

"Οι κατασκευαστές antivirus λένε ψέματα εδώ και 20 χρόνια!"

Οι πολυάριθμες απειλές στη καθημερινή ψηφιακή πραγματικότητα μας έχουν "αναγκάσει" να ξοδεύουμε αρκετά χρήματα για την αγορά προγραμμάτων ασφάλειας. Ωστόσο, οι εφαρμογές κατά των ιών δεν κάνουν αυτό που υπόσχονται, όπως τουλάχιστον παραδέχθηκε η Eva Chen της εταιρείας Trend Micro σε συνέντευξη που έδωσε στο ZDNet UK, κατά την οποία δήλωσε χαρακτηριστικά ότι "οι αγοραστές προγραμμάτων antivirus εξαπατώνται τα τελευταία 20 χρόνια". Και αυτό, διότι η αποτελεσματικότητα των antivirus και των άλλων προγραμμάτων ασφάλειας υπερεκτιμάται από τους κατασκευαστές τους. Η ίδια πρόσθεσε ότι είναι απλά αδύνατο, οποιοδήποτε antivirus να κρατήσει μακριά κάθε ιό. Σύμφωνα με την Chen, καμία από τις εταιρείες που δραστηριοποιούνται στο χώρο δεν είναι σε θέση να αναγνωρίσει και να αντιμετωπίσει τη μεγάλη ποικιλία ιών που κυκλοφορούν. Μόνο το 2007, δε, αναγνωρίστηκαν πάνω από 5,5 εκατομμύρια νέες παραλλαγές ιών.

Αλλά και τα υπόλοιπα είδη προγραμμάτων ασφάλειας δεν μπορούν να κάνουν αυτά που διαφημίζουν οι κατασκευαστές τους. Μπορεί ανά τακτικά χρονικά διαστήματα να δημιουργείται μια υπεραισιοδοξία για μια τεχνολογία που είναι απόλυτα αποτελεσματική, ωστόσο το αναμφισβήτητο γεγονός είναι ότι οι προγραμματιστές των εφαρμογών antivirus πρέπει να προσαρμόζονται συνεχώς στα νέα δεδομένα που δημιουργούνται κάθε μέρα.

Ακόμα και οι ευρετικές [heuristic] μέθοδοι, τα firewalls και ό,τι άλλο μπορεί να φανταστεί κανείς, έχουν περιορισμένη αποτελεσματικότητα. Γι' αυτό το λόγο, η Trend Micro σκοπεύει να επικεντρωθεί μελλοντικά σε online λύσεις για επιχειρήσεις, λαμβάνοντας υπ' όψη και το γεγονός ότι η μεγαλύτερη εξάπλωση ιών και worms γίνεται μέσω sites του Web.

Houston, we've a virus!

Πουθενά δεν πρέπει να αισθάνεται κανείς ασφαλής από τους ιούς, ούτε καν στο διάστημα. Αυτό διαπίστωσε η ίδια η NASA, όταν ανακάλυψε έναν ιό στο υπολογιστικό σύστημα του Διεθνούς Διαστημικού Σταθμού [ISS].

Εικάζεται ότι η μόλυνση [συγκεκριμένα, το Trojan W32.Gammima.AG] προήλθε είτε από μολυσμένο laptop [που δεν είχε εγκαταστημένο antivirus] είτε από USB Flash drive, από το οποίο μετά επεκτάθηκε στο intranet του ISS.

Η NASA παραδέχθηκε ότι δεν είναι η πρώτη φορά που συμβαίνει μια μόλυνση αυτού του είδους, η οποία ωστόσο, όπως δήλωσε εκπρόσωπός της στα αμερικανικά μέσα ενημέρωσης, δεν εγκυμονεί κανέναν κίνδυνο για τη λειτουργία του Διαστημικού Σταθμού [ο ιός αντιγράφει τα στοιχεία εισόδου σε online παιχνίδια και τα στέλνει μέσω HTTP. Σύμφωνα με τη Symantec, έχει χαμηλή επικινδυνότητα.].

Έχει, δε, σχέση μόνο με laptops που χρησιμοποιούνταν για κάποια πειράματα και για την ανταλλαγή e-mail. Και επειδή η πρόσβαση στο Internet από τον ISS είναι δυνατή μόνο σποραδικά, δεν υπάρχει ουσιαστικά κάποιο πρόβλημα.

Ο ISS κατά καιρούς αντιμετωπίζει προβλήματα στους υπολογιστές του. Για παράδειγμα, ένα πρόβλημα στο υπολογιστικό σύστημα του ρωσικού module καθοδήγησης του σταθμού το καλοκαίρι του 2007 είχε ως αποτέλεσμα να αυξηθεί η θερμοκρασία στο κατάστρωμα και να χρειαστούν μέρες μέχρι να αποκατασταθεί η λειτουργία στους έξι κεντρικούς υπολογιστές του σταθμού.

Αιτία για το πρόβλημα δεν ήταν κάποιος ιός, αλλά παρεμβολές από το διάστημα, όπως και ο σχηματισμός σε ένα σημαντικό κόμβο πάγου, ο οποίος έπρεπε να απομακρυνθεί.

- Symantec

Τετάρτη 20 Αυγούστου 2008

Και η Dell στο χορό των μικρών notebooks

Διαβάστε περισσότερα εδώ ...

Eίναι διαθέσιμο για προπαραγγελία μέσω της!

MSI WIND U100 Video Review

Τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά

  • Επεξεργαστής: Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz.
  • Οθόνη: 10'' TFT LCD, με ανάλυση 1024 x 600.
  • Μνήμη: 1.0 GB DDR2 667MHz.
  • Σκληρός Δίσκος: 80 GB SATA.
  • Οπτικός Δίσκος: Δεν περιλαμβάνεται.
  • Floppy Disk: Δεν περιλαμβάνεται.
  • Κάρτα γραφικών: Intel GMA 950.
  • Ενσύρματη επικοινωνία: Eνσωματωμένη διασύνδεση δικτύου Ethernet 10/100.
  • Ασύρματη επικοινωνία: WiFi 802.11 b/g, Bluetooth.
  • Διασυνδέσεις: 1x VGA port, 3x USB 2.0, 1x είσοδος μικροφώνου, 1x είσοδος line in, 1x RJ45, 1x έξοδος ακουστικών.
  • Πρόσθετα χαρακτηριστικά: Web Camera, Card reader 4 in SD/MMC/MS/MSpro, πληκτρολόγιο με Ελληνικούς χαρακτήρες, Touchpad, Kesington κλείδωμα.
  • Ήχος: Eνσωματωμένα στερεοφωνικά ηχεία (High Definition Audio).
  • Διαστάσεις (W x D x H): 260 x 180 x 19-31,5 mm.
  • Βάρος: 1,0 Kg.
  • Μπαταρία: 3 κελιών ιόντων Λιθίου (Li-Ion) με αυτονομία περίπου 2 ώρες και 15 λεπτά σε κανονική λειτουργία.
  • Χρώμα: Μαύρο.
  • Λογισμικό: Windows XP Home Αγγλική/Ελληνική/Γερμανική/Ολλανδική/Γαλλική έκδοση, με δυνατότητα επιλογής στην πρώτη εκκίνηση του φορητού. Προσοχή, η επιλογή της επιθυμητής έκδοσης διαγράφει τις υπόλοιπες.
  • Τσάντα Μεταφοράς: Περιλαμβάνεται.
  • Εγγύηση: 1 χρόνος on site.
Μπορείτε να μάθετε περισσότερα απο το

Eίναι διαθέσιμο για προπαραγγελία μέσω της!

Τετάρτη 13 Αυγούστου 2008

Προσφορά για το Περιβάλλον, το Πολιτισμό και τον Ανθρωπο

Το ΑctiveΝ ευαισθητοποιημένο στις παγκόσμιες εξελίξεις σε όλους τους τομείς, χωρίς πολλές φαμφάρες και ανακοινώσεις θα διαθέτει το 1% των καθαρών εσόδων του σε ανθρωπιστικές, κοινωνικές και περιβαλλοντικές οργανώσεις.

Κατάλογος κοινωνικών & ανθρωπιστικών οργανώσεων

Ενα καταλογο κοινωνικών & ανθρωπιστικών οργανώσεων μπορείτε να βρείτε εδώ

Δευτέρα 11 Αυγούστου 2008

Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.2000

Symantec Endpoint Protection description
Combines Symantec AntiVirus with advanced threat prevention
The Symantec Endpoint Protection package was designed to combine Symantec AntiVirus with advanced threat prevention to deliver unmatched defense against malware for laptops, desktops and servers. It seamlessly integrates essential security technologies in a single agent and management console, increasing protection and helping lower total cost of ownership.
Here are some key features of "Symantec Endpoint Protection":
· Seamlessly integrates essential technologies such as antivirus, antispyware, firewall, intrusion prevention, device control.
· Requires only a single agent that is managed by a single management console.
· Provides unmatched endpoint protection from the market leader in endpoint security.
· Enables instant NAC upgrade without additional software deployment for each endpoint.
· Stops malware such as viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, adware, bots, zero-day threats and rootkits.
· Prevents security outbreaks thus reducing administrative overhead.
· Lowers total cost of ownership for endpoint security.

Single Agent and Single Console
· Delivers a single agent for all Symantec Endpoint Protection technologies and Symantec Network Access Control. Delivers a single integrated interface for managing all Symantec Endpoint Protection technologies and Symantec Network Access Control. All allow for a single communication method and content delivery system across all technologies.
· Provides operational efficiencies such as single software updates, single policy updates.
· Provides unified and central reporting.
· Provides unified licensing and maintenance.
· Requires no change to the client when adding Symantec Network Access Control enforcement.
· Lowers Total Cost of Ownership for endpoint security.
· Reduces administrative effort.
Proactive Threat Scanning
· Behavioral-based protection that protects against zero-day threats and threats not seen before. Unlike other heuristic-based technologies, Proactive Threat Scan scores both the good and bad behavior of unknown applications, providing a more accurate malware detection.
· Accurately detects malware without the need to set up rule-based configurations.
· Helps lower the number of false positives.

Advanced Rootkit Detection and Removal
· Provides superior rootkit detection and removal by integrating VxMS (Veritas Mapping Service—a Veritas technology), thereby providing access below the operating system to allow thorough analysis and repair.
· Detects and removes the most difficult rootkits.
· Saves time and money and productivity lossses associated with re-imaging infected machines.

Application Control
· Allows administrators to control access to specific processes, files, and folders by users and other applications. It provides application analysis, process control, file and registry access control, and module and DLL control. It enables administrators to restrict certain activities deemed as suspicious or high risk.
· Prevents malware from spreading or harming endpoints.
· Locks down endpoints to prevent data leakage.

Device Control
· Controls which peripherals can be connected to a machine and how the peripherals are used. It locks down an endpoints to prevent connections from thumb drives, CD burners, printers, and other USB devices.
· Prevents sensitive and confidential data from being extracted or stolen from endpoints (data leakage).
· Prevents endpoints from being infected by viruses spread from peripheral devices.

Symantec Endpoint Protection Client (32-bit)
Minimum requirements
· Windows 2000 SP3+, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista (x86), Windows SBS 2003
· Pentium III 300 MHz
· 256MB RAM
· 500 MB disk (plus an additional 440 MB during installation)

Symantec Endpoint Protection Client (64-bit)
Minimum requirements
· Windows XP (x64) SP1+, Windows Server 2003 (x64), Windows Vista (x64)
· 1 GHz with one of the following processors: Intel Xeon with Intel EM64T support, Intel Pentium IV with EM64T support, AMD 64-bit Opteron, AMD 64-bit Athlon (Note: Itanium is not supported)
· 256MB RAM
· 500 MB disk (plus an additional 440 MB during installation)
· Symantec AntiVirus for Linux ClientLinux distribution support:
· Red Hat Enterprise Linux
· SuSE Linux Enterprise (server/desktop)
· Novell Open Enterprise Server
· VMWare ESX
Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager
Central Administration Server
Minimum requirements
· Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional SP2+, Windows Server 2003 Standard/Enterprise, Windows SBS 2003
· Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
· 1GB free disk space
· Symantec Endpoint Protection ConsoleRemote administration console (optional)
· Minimum Requirements
· Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 Standard/Enterprise, Windows Vista
· Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2+
· 512MB RAM
· 11 MB free disk space per active console session

Screenshot 1 of Symantec Endpoint Protection
Screenshot 2 of Symantec Endpoint Protection
Screenshot 3 of Symantec Endpoint Protection
Screenshot 4 of Symantec Endpoint Protection
Screenshot 5 of Symantec Endpoint Protection

Screenshot 6 of Symantec Endpoint Protection

buy Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.2000 from - The Greek Software Eshop

NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.621.0 Final

NOD description
Antivirus System that provides well balanced, state-of-the-art protection against threats endangering your PC
NOD32 provides well balanced, state-of-the-art protection against threats endangering your PC and enterprise systems running various platforms from Microsoft Windows through a number of UNIX/Linux, Novell, MS DOS operating systems to Microsoft Exchange Server, Lotus Domino and other mail servers.

Trojans, viruses, worms and other malware using NOD32 are kept out of striking distance of your valuable data. Advanced detection methods implemented in the software even provide protection against the future threats from most of the new worms and viruses.

The fourth generation of the NOD32 Antivirus System features a fully integrated software suite characterized by an unprecedented detection track record, the fastest scanning rates and extremely low utilization of system resources.

NOD32's detection efficiency combined with 2-50 times faster hard disk scanning rate earned the product many international prestigious

NOD32 is the world leader of the Virus Bulletin 100% Awards having won more awards (21) than any competing product. Since its first submission for testing in May 1998, NOD32 was the only tested product that has never missed a single In the Wild virus.

Here are some key features of "NOD":
· ThreatSense technology — a single optimized anti-threat engine for analyzing code to identify malicious behavior, such as viruses, spyware, adware, phishing and more
· Unprecedented heuristic analysis capable of discovering new malware threats as they emerge
· Powerful virtual PC emulation technology enables unpacking and decryption of all types of archives and run-time packing
· Able to clean active malware running in memory
· Protects at multiple infiltration points, including HTTP, POP3, SMTP and all local and removable media
· Removes infections from files that are locked for writing (e.g., loaded DLL file)
· Prevents infected files from being opened and executed, and warns on creation of infected files
· Automatic execution on system startup
· Supports multiple Terminal Server environments
· Supports scanning of mapped network disks

For Windows 2000, XP, 2003
· 400 MHz 32-bit (x86)
· 128MB RAM of system memory
· 35MB available space
· Super VGA (800 x 600)

Windows Vista
· 1 GHz 32-bit (x86),
· 512MB RAM of system memory
· 35MB available space
· Super VGA (800 x 600)

Screenshot 1 of ESET NOD32 Antivirus
Screenshot 2 of ESET NOD32 Antivirus
Screenshot 3 of ESET NOD32 Antivirus
Screenshot 4 of ESET NOD32 Antivirus

buy NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.621.0 Final from - The Greek Software Eshop

Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 10.2.1000.1 for Vista

Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 10.2.1000.1 for Vista
Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition for Vista provides protection against viruses and security risks for managed and unmanaged clients running on Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit editions). Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition combines industry-leading, real-time malware protection for enterprise workstations and network servers with graphical Web-based reporting and centralized management and administration capabilities. Side-effect repair keeps systems operational during security disruptions. Centralized configuration and deployment eases administrative burden and overhead. Integrated response content helps maximize system uptime.

In addition to providing comprehensive malware protection for every network tier in an integrated, easy-to-deploy solution, Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise Edition 10.2 now adds antivirus and anti-spyware client support for the Vista platform. In addition to offering adware and spyware protection for enterprise workstations and network servers, Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise Edition now includes Symantec Client Security 3.1, which provides proactive client protection from complex threats by integrating antivirus, anti-spyware, firewall and intrusion prevention technologies under a single console. Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise Edition also provides content filtering and spam prevention for the Internet gateway and Domino and Exchange environments.

Key Features and Benefits:
- Advanced, enterprise-wide virus protection and monitoring from a single management console
- NEW! Vista® client support
- Integrated Web-based graphical reporting
- Improved protection from spyware and adware, including:
- Spyware repair enhancements automatically block spyware installation
- Stealthed spyware detection and remediation
- Improved spyware repairs for invasive risks

buy Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 10.2.1000.1 for Vista from - The Greek Software Eshop

Adobe Photoshop CS4

Adobe Photoshop CS4

Adobe Photoshop CS4 is a leaked version from Adobe, which is currently in Beta stage. This package includes all features plus a working keygenerator.

The Adobe® Photoshop® family of products is the ultimate playground for bringing out the best in your digital images and transforming them into anything you can imagine.

Ideal for:
Film, video, and multimedia professionals
Graphic and web designers using 3D and motion
Manufacturing professionals
Medical professionals
Architects and engineers
Scientific researchers
I was quite surprised today when I saw an email in my Inbox letting me know that Adobe Photoshop CS4 (codename Stonehenge 11.0) has been leaked. I checked some of the BitTorrent sites and it does indeed look like it is available to anyone that wishes to download it. From what I’ve read the Adobe CS3 serial numbers do not work so you’ll need an updated serial number to get it running, but doing so wouldn’t exactly be legal.

The person who sent me the tip wishes to remain anonymous, but they did let me know that they haven’t found anything new in the release thus far. The compilation date of this build is November 1st, 2007 meaning it is a little dated already, and it was likely an early release sent out to key testers. Rumors have it that this build of Photoshop CS4 only contains Vista compatibility fixes, and not really anything else.

Lucky for you the tipster was kind enough to attach a screenshot of Adobe Photoshop CS4 running in XP with the new splash screen:

If you use images to communicate or gather and analyze information, then download a FREE trial of the new Adobe Photoshop CS4 software and experience the power first-hand. Whether you’re simply retouching or optimizing an image or building complex composites or animations, you’ll have the power and precision you need for superior results.

New features include simplified file handling with Adobe Bridge, revolutionary Vanishing Point, Multiple Layer Control, Smart Objects, Multi-image Raw Processing, Image Warp, Advanced Noise Reduction, 32-bit High Dynamic Range Support, Customizable Workspaces and Menus, Spot Healing Brush, One-click Red-eye correction. Make your vision a reality. Learn more about Adobe Photoshop CS4 and try it now for free.

buy Adobe Photoshop CS4 from - The Greek Software Eshop

Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional

Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional description
Efficiently produce motion graphics and visual effects for video, multimedia, and the Web
Adobe After Effects creates motion graphics and visual effects.

Adobe After Effects delivers a comprehensive set of tools to efficiently produce motion graphics and visual effects for film, video, multimedia, and the Web.

Animate your ideas. Adobe® After Effects® 7.0 software helps you create compelling motion graphics and blockbuster visual effects with efficiency, precision, and infinite variety.

Take advantage of unmatched integration with other Adobe software, flexible 2D and 3D compositing, and hundreds of effects and Animation Presets to bring a new dimension to your film, video, DVD, and Macromedia® Flash® productions

Here are some key features of "Adobe After Effects":
Graph Editor
· Value and Speed graphs
· Edit Value and Speed graphs in the Graph Editor, or let After Effects choose the one most appropriate for the animated property.

Value graphs for spatial properties
· See spatial properties such as Position represented with value graphs on individual channels, each with a unique color.

Selected properties display
· Choose one or all of three display modes for comparing animation curves: all selected properties, all animated properties of a selected layer, or a Graph Editor Set containing marked properties only.

One-button eases
· Add eases in and out of curves with a single click.

Free transform
· Scale and offset keyframes in the Graph Editor with free-transform features, just as you would scale or offset vertices on a mask.

Snapping keyframes
· Snap keyframes to interesting points as you drag them horizontally or vertically around the Graph Editor.

Scalable view
· Freely zoom and pan around the Graph Editor with the Zoom tool, Hand tool, or your mouse scroll wheel, using modifier keys for additional controls. Automatically fit all graphs to the current view with a single click.

32-bit High Dynamic Range (HDR) and 16-bit color support
· 32-bit floating-point pipeline
· Freely push values above full white and recover detail at any stage of the pipeline, so you can access the full range of color visible with the naked eye (Professional edition only).

Support for HDR image formats
· Import and export HDR color images in Adobe Photoshop®, OpenEXR, and TIFF formats to preserve the full dynamic range of all footage (Professional edition only).

Quality 16-bit results
· Produce work that is film- and HDTV-ready using the broader range of colors available in the 16-bit color mode (Professional edition only).

Flexible color modes
· Rough out a composition in 8-bit color mode, and then finalize and output it to 16-bit or 32-bit color for optimal quality. Toggle between 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit color on-the-fly. (Professional edition only.)

Powerful masking tools
· Unlimited masks
· Control which parts of a 2D or 3D layer are visible by adding and animating an unlimited number of masks on any layer.

Imported masks
· Import Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator® paths as masks.

Mask animations
· Stroke, feather, transform, animate, and apply motion blur to masks over time.

Combined masks
· Combine masks using Add, Subtract, Intersect, and Difference.

Mask auto-tracing
· Quickly turn any channel, including alpha channels, into a vector-based mask, and quickly create animated masks.

Masks from text
· Turn After Effects text into masks using the Create Outlines command.

RotoBézier masks
· Create RotoBézier masks from scratch or convert them from Bézier masks. RotoBéziers simplify repetitive tasks by reducing the number of control points you have to think about.

Faster mask rendering
· Render even complex masks up to 100% faster than in previous versions of After Effects.

Smart Mask Interpolation
· Create smooth, realistic intermediate mask keyframes automatically based on settings you provide. Take control of mismatched points, or create arcing mask transitions to replicate natural motion. (Professional edition only.)

Highest quality keying and matte tools
· Track mattes
· Turn any grayscale image, movie, or animated text or graphic into an alpha or luma track matte to control what's visible on another layer.

Color Range
· Quickly eliminate all the pixels on a layer that are similar to a color you've specified. For example, cut out a greenscreen background in one step by specifying that color.

· Create subtle, elegant mattes of reflections, semitransparent areas, and hair with this Academy Award-winning keyer from The Foundry. Spill suppression, color correction, and edge refinement tools help perfect the result. (Professional edition only.)

Extract and Linear Color keys
· Easily create high-contrast mattes with subtle edge thresholds using these keys to isolate and knock out a single shade or range of intensity (Professional edition only).

Color Difference Key
· Replicate the method used to key color footage on many landmark films. The Color Difference Key weights the dominant color being keyed against the other two primary colors. (Professional edition only.)

Spill Suppressor
· Remove unwanted color spill from any footage quickly and easily (Professional edition only).

Difference Matte
· Compare foreground information in a scene against a precisely matched, static background "clean plate" and leave only the pixels that are different (Professional edition only).

Inner/Outer Key
· Derive the key from border pixels that you select by creating a rough mask around the edges of the object. This helps out in difficult keying situations. (Professional edition only.)

Matte Choker and Simple Choker
· Spread or choke the selection area of any alpha channel with a subpixel level of control (Professional edition only).

Professional color correction
· Color Finesse
· Perform your most demanding digital intermediate work within After Effects using Color Finesse™ from Synthetic Aperture, a full-featured color-correction environment containing high-end telecine-style correction tools.

Comprehensive color correction
· Adjust colors on layers over time using color-correction tools similar to those in Photoshop, including Brightness & Contrast, Channel Mixer, Color Balance, Levels, Tint, and more.

Shadows/Highlights effect
· Automate color correction over time while preserving the shadows and highlights within the frames using the Photoshop style Shadows/Highlights effect.

Automatic adjustments
· Enhance the contrast of footage over time with Photoshop style Auto Color, Auto Contrast, and Auto Levels controls.

Curves controls
· Adjust the tonal range of an image with complete control — for example, decrease blues in the shadows and increase them in bright areas. Also import curve settings from Photoshop.

Hue/Saturation controls
· Adjust the hue, saturation, and lightness of individual color components on a layer. Adjust up to six separate user-defined hue ranges.

Color Stabilizer
· Sample the exposure of a single reference frame and adjust the exposure of all other frames to match it (Professional edition only).

High-quality audio
· 32-bit audio support
· Maximize audio quality in your projects with new support for 32-bit audio. Import 32-bit audio files mixed and mastered in Adobe Audition® software. Fine-tune audio levels precisely using VU meters with peak and clip indicators on the Audio panel.

Auto-sampling support
· Prepare and resample audio using sampling rates from 8kHz to 96kHz (Mac OS) or 8kHz to 96kHz (Windows®).

Audio-to-keyframe conversion
· Create keyframes to represent audio.

Audio effects
· Remap audio over time with the Delay and Backwards audio effects. Adjust audio tone with Bass & Treble.

Stereo Mixer
· Pan from the left speaker or channel to the right speaker or channel, or vice versa, with the Stereo Mixer.

Advanced audio effects
· Use Modulator, Parametric EQ, and High-Low Pass for precise professional control over 32-bit audio. Delay, Flange & Chorus, and tone generation allow you to stylize sound or generate sounds from scratch. (Professional edition only.)

Audio Spectrum and Audio Waveform effects
· Generate full-color visuals based on audio elements that animate dynamically along a frequency spectrum or that behave like an audio waveform.

Superior output
· Render Queue
· Use the powerful Render Queue to simultaneously render at multiple resolutions and file formats or to batch render files. Also create templates to apply common render and output settings.

OpenGL rendering
· Use OpenGL for final rendering at high speed: OpenGL 2.0 capabilities include common blending modes, motion blur on 2D layers, anti-aliasing and track mattes, better shadows and transparencies, and more.

Network rendering
· Divide each render — and the time it requires — over networked machines using a special Render Engine version of After Effects, with no limit on the permitted number of computers. See the product license agreement for details. (Professional edition only.)

Grid rendering
· Speed output by using other networked computers to render your compositions, thanks to Gridiron X-Factor (plug-in available for Professional edition only).

Advanced 3D Renderer
· Render 3D compositions — even those that include intersecting layers — at the highest possible quality.

Flexible frame rates and resolutions
· Specify output frame rates and resolutions (up to 30
,000x30,000 pixels) to meet all international film and broadcast standards, including Cineon, HDTV, HDV, and more.

Render automation
· Use scripting to automate a render pipeline (with an unlimited number of nodes) and to integrate with third-party render management software (Professional edition only).

Pixel Aspect Ratios
· Compensate for non-square pixels in DV, 601, HD, HDV, and other video formats using the Pixel Aspect Ratio settings.

Pulldown modes
· Translate files smoothly between film and video using the 3:2 Pulldown option. Choose the 24PA Pulldown option for 24-frame progressive DV cameras.

Field rendering
· Control field-rendering order for jitter-free playback on PAL and NTSC video systems.

FireWire video output
· Preview your compositions on NTSC and PAL video monitors whether you're using a Windows or a Mac OS X system.

Extensive file format support
· Extensive support for industry-standard formats
· Import and output files in QuickTime, AVI, MPEG-2 (Windows only), Windows Media (WMV9 export on Windows only), RealMedia (Windows only), native Photoshop (PSD), Camera Raw, Macromedia Flash (SWF and FLV), Cineon, SGI, TIFF, TGA, Maya IFF, JPEG, ElectricImage, Filmstrip, PDF, WAV, and AIFF formats.

RLA/RPF support
· Import camera data and auxiliary 3D image data saved with RLA or RPF files, such as data generated from 3ds Max (Professional edition only).

HDV support
· Work with HDV video directly within After Effects.

DVD-ready files
· Create DVD-ready files by encoding your After Effects output in MPEG-2 format (Windows only).

Macromedia Flash export
· Streamline the process of encoding video and audio for your Flash projects with new Flash Video (FLV) export. Create compact, vector-based SWF animations that include sophisticated text animations and shape morphing.

AAF/OMF support
· Import timelines from Avid using the Advanced Authoring Format (AAF). Import and export media in Avid's native Open Media Framework (OMF) format. (Professional edition only.)

Windows Media and RealMedia export
· Export your After Effects work in popular Windows Media and RealMedia formats for the web.

Intelligent workflowEase of use
· Redesigned, unified user interface
· Work within an elegantly redesigned interface featuring workspace panels that dock and group for optimal organization, eliminating overlapping windows. Save custom workspaces, control UI brightness, and more.

Familiar Adobe look and feel
· Leverage your knowledge of other Adobe products to get up to speed quickly: After Effects uses standard Adobe tools, palettes, menus, and customizable keyboard shortcuts.

Easy to learn and use
· Learn as you work with convenient Tool Tips, context-sensitive menus, the Adobe website, third-party books and training videos, and an active user community. Get started quickly with professionally designed templates for DVD motion menus and animated backgrounds.

Adobe Help Center
· Get answers quickly from the new Adobe Help Center, which offers powerful search features and convenient topics.

Auto Save
· Prevent mishaps from destroying hours of work. The Auto Save feature saves incremental versions automatically as you work.

Flexible media management
· Cross-platform workflows
· Easily share projects and files across Windows and Macintosh platforms.

Resolution independence
· Mix multiple file resolutions from small thumbnails up to 30,000x30,000-pixel frames.

Adobe Bridge
· Simplify the everyday tasks of asset management with Adobe Bridge, which offers powerful ways to browse and search digital assets, preview and apply presets, work with metadata, manage files, and run batch processes.

Post-render actions and Proxy creation
· Use post-render actions to streamline back-end production tasks, such as creating proxies or replacing project footage with output from the Render Queue.

Convenient file management
· Use commands such as Find, Reveal, Reduce Project, and Collect Files to manage files easily.

Flowchart view
· View a flowchart of a composition or project to see how it's organized and what footage, layers, and effects are used.

Unmatched Adobe integration
· Photoshop CS2 integration
· Save 32-bit HDR and 16-bit color values in Photoshop files. Text remains editable, and layers, common layer styles, blending modes, masks, and transparency are all preserved when Photoshop files are imported as compositions. Use Photoshop paths as masks or animation paths.

Photoshop layer style support
· Import common layer styles created in Photoshop — including Glow, Bevel, and Drop Shadow effects — for rendering in After Effects layers.

Photoshop file creation
· Create a new Photoshop file from within your After Effects project. Photoshop automatically opens a blank file using composition settings — including title-safe and action-safe guides — ready for editing. Changes appear in After Effects when you save.

Illustrator CS2 integration
· Copy vectors from Illustrator to use as After Effects masks or motion paths. Illustrator layers and blend modes are preserved, and vector shapes can be continuously rasterized (and output as compact SWF files), preserving smooth edge detail.

Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 integration
· Preserve bins, edits, markers, keyframed effects, nested sequences, transitions, and more from Adobe Premiere® Pro 2.0 software. Drag and drop or copy and paste clips from one application to the other. (Windows only.)

Adobe Premiere Pro project export
· Export an After Effects project as an Adobe Premiere Pro project, streamlining work that involves editing as well as motion graphics and effects. (Windows only.)

Adobe Encore DVD integration
· Create elements such as motion menus and interactive buttons for your DVDs. Export AVI and MPEG-2 movies from After Effects with markers that Adobe Encore® DVD software reads as chapters. (Windows only.)

Optimal performance
· Real-time, high-fidelity OpenGL support
· Experience real-time performance with advanced OpenGL 2.0 capabilities including support for blending modes as well as motion blur, anti-aliasing, track mattes, high-quality shadows and transparency, and accelerated rendering of common effects. Use OpenGL for accelerated final renders.

RAM previews
· Preview compositions in real time and benefit from intelligent caching, dynamic previews, and the ability to define a region of interest for faster and longer RAM previews.

Disk caching
· Dramatically enhance previewing and interactivity on large projects with highly efficient disk caching.

Windows and Mac OS optimization
· Take advantage of better performance using the latest Intel® Pentium® based Windows hardware and PowerPC® G5 based Macintosh hardware.

Integrated Script Editor
· Text editing palettes
· Organize and edit scripts using numbered lines, user-defined text formatting, and colored text (Professional edition only).

Debug menu
· Clearly isolate specific functions and statements in complex scripts by interactively managing breakpoints (Professional edition only).

· Profile individual functions or lines within scripts for individual timing and hit count information to understand how and when individual parts of the script are called (Professional edition only).

Integrated palette-based interface
· Instantly access all scripts in the Scripts menu, which also includes a JavaScript Console and Call Stack, Breakpoints, and Data Browser palettes (Professional edition only).

Creative empowermentFlexible 2D and 3D compositing
· Real-time design with OpenGL acceleration
· Composite layers in 2D or 3D space using multiple cameras and lights. Mix and match 2D and 3D layers in a single composition, and design in real time using OpenGL acceleration.

Cameras and lights for 3D compositions
· Create and animate multiple cameras and lights. Specify a point of interest, produce soft shadows, and simulate different types of lights to add depth.

Multiple views and workspaces
· See how layers interact in space, and manipulate a composition from multiple perspectives using multiple views. Use predefined workspaces or create your own to contextually streamline your workflow.

Projection layers and colored shadows
· Project light through a layer to create colored shadows, stained-glass effects, and the look of projected slides.

Camera data
· Import 3D camera and null animation data in the Alias Maya (MA) format, directly from Maya or from any 3D tracking software that can export MA files, such as 2d3's boujou (Professional edition only).

Quick arrangement of multiple layers
· Quickly arrange multiple layers in time with the Sequence Layers keyframe assistant, and arrange layers in space with the Align and Distribute tools.

· Speed up production by defining a parent-child relationship between layers to ensure the child layer inherits all transformations applied to the parent.

Built-in creative tools and templates
· Produce cool animations from scratch right in After Effects by creating layers, adding masks, and applying effects. Or use included project templates to get started on creating DVD motion menus, animated backgrounds, and more.

Unrivaled text animation and titling effects
· Intuitive text creation
· Create text using Adobe-standard tools for typing, editing, and formatting text, and easily edit text created in Photoshop. Mix and match fonts and other attributes on a layer.

Text Animation Presets
· Save animation time by instantly applying more than 250 professionally designed, fully editable text Animation Presets, or create and save your own. Use Adobe Bridge to conveniently preview and apply presets.

Character-level blurs
· Create and animate blurs on a per-character basis for eye-catching text animations.

Versatile text animation
· Animate text along any path, transform or displace words or lines of text over time, set intercharacter blending modes, randomize the order in which characters animate, wiggle your text, and more.

Web-ready text animations
· Export animated text as vector-based SWF files to create innovative, web-friendly animations.

Expert visual effects
· Comprehensive effects toolkit
· Use a broad selection of included effects to change the appearance of footage or to generate entirely new elements. Create unique looks from scratch or by using more than 100 new, customizable effects presets.

Creative blur effects
· Re-create the effect of a defocused camera lens easily and realistically with new Lens Blur, and use new Smart Blur to create soft color effects without destroying fine detail. Use a variety of other blur effects for specific situations, including Directional Blur, Box Blur, and Gaussian Blur.

Fractal Noise
· Create textures and organic elements with Fractal Noise, which is perfect for simulating caustics, clouds, lava, flowing water, and gas. Use included presets to create eye-catching animated backgrounds.

Flexible distortion effects
· Distort and morph footage using Mirror, Ripple, and other effects, and paint distortions directly onto imagery with Liquify.

Maximum warping
· Warp and distort the full frame of your footage as well as selected areas in specific, realistic ways with effects like Mesh Warp, Bézier Warp, and Displacement Map (Professional edition only).

· Morph one defined shape in a layer into another shape on the same layer, distorting the image itself to fit the shape of the new area (Professional edition only).

Optics Compensation
· Precisely simulate the fish-eye lens distortion of images taken with a real camera using a wide-angle lens.

Corner Pin
· Skew the corners of an image to simulate the perspective of a plane in 3D space. Use the tracker to create animated corner pin data automatically, matching scene features precisely. (Professional edition only.)

· Warp an image around a given point, as if inflating the pixels out to a given radius.

3D effects
· Use 3D Channel Effects to import 3D channel image files saved in RLA, RPF, Softimage PIC/ZPIC, and Electric Image EI/EIZ formats, and work with the 3D image data contained within them. Use Depth of Field to simulate the focal effects of camera depth of field, and use Fog 3D to simulate volumetric haze in a source 3D image file. (Professional edition only.)

ID Matte
· Isolate elements in a 3D image file using unique embedded Object ID tags created by 3D programs (Professional edition only).

· Achieve a loose, hand-drawn look instantly by applying Scribble to a layer.

Cycore Effects
· Add smoke and sparks using Particle World, create blazing ray-of-light transitions using Light Burst and Light Sweep, change all the colors in an image to just three hues using Toner, and more with over 60 bundled effects from Cycore.

Grain management tools
· Add or remove grain artifacts from footage — automatically or manually. Specify the characteristics of grain on all three individual color channels for a perfect match. (Professional edition only.)

· Instantly brighten or diffuse the bright areas of an image to create a glowing halo or other lighting effect, suitable for stylized emphasis of featured elements.

Advanced Lightning
· Create electrical arcs with variety, precision, and realism.

Particle Playground
· Simulate explosions, flocks of birds, swarms of bees, and more using a powerful particle system. Any layer, even text, can be a particle. (Professional edition only.)

· Generate sizzle around borders by adding dancing, dissolve-style animated pixel scatter to the inside and outside of masked areas of a layer (Professional edition only).

Expandable effects toolkit
· Expand your creative range in After Effects with hundreds of compatible third-party effects plug-ins (available separately).

Intuitive effects management
· Effects & Presets palette
· Organize effects the way you like and quickly access them in the Effects & Presets palette. Save, apply, and share Animation Presets with specific settings and animated properties.

Placeholder for missing effects
· Continue working on a project even when the effects it uses are missing from your system. Information about where each effect was applied and the settings it uses is preserved.

Adjustment layers
· Create adjustment layers, similar to those in Photoshop, to apply effects to any layers that appear below them.

Powerful animation and motion controls
· Motion blur
· Apply motion blur to moving layers to produce more realistic animations.

Timesaving Animation and Behavior Presets plus project templates
· Produce great-looking animations quickly using hundreds of fully customizable Animation Presets, including presets for animating text, effects, transitions, backgrounds, and behaviors. Use included project templates for DVD motion menus and motion graphics backgrounds.

· Slow down and speed up footage with smooth, crisp results and minimal artifacts. Timewarp analyzes pixel motion to create more accurate in-between frames. (Professional edition only.)

Time remapping and frame blending
· Produce effects such as variable slow motion and backward playback using two types of frame blending: frame mix and the new pixel motion.

Motion Sketch and Smoother
· Quickly draw an animation path and set its velocity with Motion Sketch. Then fine-tune the shape and speed of the path with the Smoother.

Motion Tracker
· Precisely match the motion of source footage using the fast, accurate Motion Tracker. Use as many points as you like or standard one-, two-, and four-point settings to track x and y position, rotation, and scale. (Professional edition only.)

Motion Stabilizer
· Eliminate unwanted motion using the Motion Stabilizer, which can give handheld video shots the look of a locked-off shot (Professional edition only).

· Apply smooth or jagged changes to color, motion, or other effects over time with the Wiggler (Professional edition only).

Exponential Scale tool
· Create natural-looking zoom effects by making linear changes of scale exponential (Professional edition only).

Time Displacement
· Mix different portions of source footage in an intriguing manner using the luminance of one layer to control the timing of individual pixels in another layer (Professional edition only).

Rotoscoping and paint tools
· Nondestructive vector painting
· Paint nondestructively on layers to clean up footage, draw masks, clone elements, and create animations.

Photoshop style brushes
· Work with brushes similar to the ones in Photoshop. Customize brushes to control size, spacing, and angle, and save them for ongoing use.

Advanced Clone tool
· Remove unwanted distractions like dust and scratches, or replicate elements for a desired effect, like filling a stadium with people. The Clone tool offers multiple presets and onion skinning of the source frame.

Animated paint strokes
· Animate individual paint strokes over time to change their size, position, or shape and to create write-on and write-off effects.

Eraser tool
· Control whether the Eraser tool removes paint strokes only or paint strokes plus the underlying background footage.

Wacom tablet support
· Use Wacom tablets for more precise control when painting in After Effects.

Versatile Expressions and Behavior Presets
· Keyframeless creation of animations
· Define Expressions that link the behavior of one layer property to that of another on any layer in the composition. Use new Behavior Presets to create Wiggles, Bounces, Drifts, Flashes, and more without setting keyframes.

Intuitive pick whip interface
· Link properties easily and intuitively with the pick whip interface.

Standard syntax
· Use standard JavaScript to modify Expressions, or create your own from scratch.

Menu of preset commands
· Reduce keystrokes and eliminate the need to memorize code with an extensive library of functions and commands.

Screenshot 1 Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional

Screenshot 2 Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional
Screenshot 2 Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional

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BitDefender Total Security 2008

BitDefender Total Security 2008 description

Proactive protection against viruses, spyware, hackers, spam
BitDefender Total Security 2008 application was designed to provide comprehensive proactive protection against viruses, spyware, hackers, spam and other Internet security threats, along with system maintenance and data backup.

In order to test BitDefender Total Security 2008 Beta 2 you will have to uninstall Beta 1 kit, perform a system restart and install Beta 2 kit. In case Beta 1 kit uninstall process fails please use the manual uninstall tool.

Here are some key features of "BitDefender Total Security":

· Protects your PC in real time against known viruses, spyware and other malware
· Blocks unknown viruses using advanced proactive detection techniques
· Detects and removes hidden threats (rootkits)
· Provides a smooth gaming experience by reducing the system load to a minimum
· Monitors and prevents potential spyware threats in real-time

· Protects against phishing attempts by filtering all accessed web pages
Reduces the risk of identity theft by preventing personal information leaks via e-mail or web.

· Controls the access of applications to the Internet while “hiding” your computer from hackers with the stealth mode setting
· Helps prevent unauthorized access to the Wi-Fi internet connection by notifying you about computers that log in to the network

· Responds faster to new spamming techniques with new adaptive engines
· Prevents different types of scam e-mails from reaching your Inbox

· Blocks access to inappropriate web content and e-mail
· Allows or blocks web access during specified intervals

· Safeguards your data by creating backup copies to local and removable drives, CD-R/RW or
· Automatically backs up only new files, based on a pre-set schedule.

· Improves PC operation by removing unnecessary files and registry entries
· Completely erases files and "traces" of files from disk to prevent recovery

How To Use BitDefender Internet Security 2008

Screenshot 1 of BitDefender Total Security 2008
Screenshot 3 of BitDefender Total Security 2008
Screenshot 4 of BitDefender Total Security 2008
Screenshot 5 of BitDefender Total Security 2008

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McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i Plus Patch 5

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise description
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise protects your desktop and file servers from a wide range of threats, including viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and potentially unwanted code and programs.

McAfee VirusScan 8 takes anti-virus protection to the next level, integrating elements of intrusion prevention and firewall technology into a single solution for PCs and file servers. This powerful combination delivers truly proactive protection from the newest of today’s threats-including buffer - overflow exploits and blended attacks - and features advanced outbreak management responses to reduce the damage and costs of outbreaks. Everything is managed by McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator or ProtectionPilot for scalable security policy compliance and graphical reporting.

Key Benefits :
- Integrated firewall and IPS technology - Addition of firewall and intrusion prevention technology delivers maximum proactive protection in a single, integrated package
- Enhanced coverage for emerging threats - VirusScan provides protection from the newest potentially unwanted program security threats (e.g., spyware), application-specific buffer overflow attacks, and blended attacks
- Lowered TCO during outbreak response – Advanced outbreak functionality closes the window of vulnerability before DAT files are available, limiting damage by blocking the entrance and spread of the outbreak
- McAfee scanning technology – Award-winning McAfee scan engine performs in-memory scanning to block threats such as Netsky and CodeRed, which don’t write their code to disk
- Centralized management and reporting – Integration with McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator and ProtectionPilot provides a complete security management solution, including detailed graphical reporting, from a single console

Product Features:
- Comprehensive McAfee anti-virus protection
- Potentially unwanted program security
- Buffer overflow prevention (IPS feature)
- Complete outbreak response
- Port blocking/lockdown (firewall feature)
- Application monitoring: email engines (firewall feature)
- File blocking, directory lockdown, folder/share blocking (IPS feature)
- Infection trace and block
- Powerful memory scanning
- Centralized management and reporting
- Enhanced email scanning
- Protection from threats that use scripts
- Optimized for mobile users

Workstation requirements
* Intel Pentium or Intel Celeron processor running a minimum of 166 MHz
* 32 MB of RAM
* Minimum 38 MB free disk space
* Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 SP6 or greater
* Microsoft Windows XP Home and Professional SP1, SP2
* Microsoft Windows XP Embedded
* Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
* Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional SP3 or later
* Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)
* Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 5.0 or higher

Server requirements
* Intel Pentium or Intel Celeron processor running a minimum of 166 MHz
* 32 MB of RAM
* Minimum 38 MB free disk space
* Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server; Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Enterprise Server, SP6/6a
* Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server
* Microsoft Windows 2000 Server; Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server, SP3, SP4
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Standard, Enterprise, or Web Edition (32-bit and 64-bit), SP1
* Microsoft Windows 2008 Server, including Server Core, (requires patch 5)
* Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS)
* Other supported platforms: XP Tablet PC, Citrix MetaFrame 1.8 & XP Support; EMC Celerra File Server Support
* Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 5.0 or higher

Screenshot 1 of McAfee VirusScan Enterprise
Screenshot 2 of McAfee VirusScan Enterprise
Screenshot 3 of McAfee VirusScan Enterprise
Screenshot 4 of McAfee VirusScan Enterprise
Screenshot 5 of McAfee VirusScan Enterprise

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